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[-] Comic Pre-Notes

  • This comic is about the random running citizens that are in many missions. They are really irritating as they bump you around and sometimes mess up your attacks.
  • Frostfire, the blue guy at the end, is a VERY common villain young heroes fight. He has the power to summon little fire imps.

2006, July 22

I experimented with a lot of stuff here. Making other than normal square boxes, different (more advanced) perspective. It was not easy, but easier than the first one at least. The thing that took the most time was getting the right screenshots.

Fun Facts

  • The quotes on the word "arrested" come from the game manual. "Arrested" is what they call it when you beat opponents into a pulpy villainous mass of goo. Other games just call it like it is and say "kill"
  • I've never actually seen FrostFire talking on a cellphone, but I imagine waiting around at the end of a mission to be "arrested" by a bunch of heroes 20 times a day can get pretty boring.
  • If you're wondering what the orange number above FrostFire's head in the last panel is for, that's how damage is represented in-game.


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5 Comments to “If Only”

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  • Um... Did the hapless victim in the last panel wet his pants, or am I imagining that?
  • Not your imagination :)
  • hahaha Hilarious. You know that's exactly what FF is doing while waiting for heroes to show up. He's chilling on his cell phone while making his fire imps do all the dirty work. Jeremy. What books have you read when it comes to learning to draw comic books. Anything you recommend?
    • I never read any books on drawing I just sort of figure it out as I go. If you look at this comic versus some of the more recent, you can see what I mean. I guess I'm sort of taking the "brute force" approach to comic art. I figure if I do it enough, I'll eventually get sorta good :D I have checked out some tutorials on Youtube recently. That can be a good way to get started.
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