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City of Heroes Rebirth

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  • This is a comic about the different rogue servers that appeared after the City of Heroes source code was leaked

2024, Oct 21th

It's been 14 years since I last made a CoH comic. Wow.

Though I've been playing on City of Heroes: Rebirth for a few years now, I did look at some of the others too.

Homecoming has it's charms I suppose, but it felt like easy mode and took the challenge and fun out of the game for me. To each their own. Meanwhile I admire Thunderspy's ambition, but that's not really my speed personally.

I chose Rebirth for several reasons, but the biggest is that it was designed to feel like the game just reappeared and continued development as if it never left. They keep issuing new things, but sensibly and nothing that was locked behind gameplay is handed to you. Sure, day-jobs are unlocked after 5 days instead of 25 and the timer for the morality missions is drastically sped up, but those are sensible given the circumstances.


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