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[-] Comic Pre-Notes

  • I've said it before, but let's make this clear: playing a female hero tends to get you hit on.
  • One of Jordan's powers is to call tentacles of darkness from the nether-realm. They don't do a lot of damage as their main point is just to hold someone in place
  • The screens that you see floating in the air are actual info screens in the game that you can use to learn about any player.

2007, Apr 09

Two months since the last one. Sheesh. This one went fairly smoothly, but still took a long time.

I don't think I'll be able to do another one any sooner because of the new baby, the possibilty of moving, maybe looking for a new job depending, etc, etc.

Anyway, I'm doing well on my goal of improving my art skills through comics. I looked back at the rough sketches from comic 4 before they were cleaned up and such. WOW! My initial sketches have gotten a lot better and need far less nipping and tucking on the computer.

Fun Facts

  • This comic was originally going to feature Statesman, but I liked this idea better. The hero with the wings is called Red Scout and is a forum and game friend who really does shamelessly hit on every female character he sees.
  • The background environment was from the winter 07 event. It's the Pocket D ski lodge and was the coolest place around. I wish the winter event itself hadn't been the same darned mission over and over.


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2 Comments to “Mistaken Identity”

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  • So... when am I gonna get in another comic? :D I keep coming back to this one and laughing my ass of. It's great.
  • Now, now Red. You have to give other people a chance for cameos. I'll think of a way to get Scout back in there somewhere though. I'm not sure how soon it will be, but I'll keep you posted :D
  • Jacy, I see you leaving comments on each of my comics. You know you can just leave ones on just the comics you liked ;) By the way, check your e-mail.
  • yeah i know and i will check my email
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