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About Fire Blasters

Last Modified: July 28, 2010


Shazel puts a bunch of Skulls in their place.

Playing a Blaster was very new for me. In terms of range and AoE damage, they're similar to defenders, but MUCH MORE POWERFUL. This is especially true of Fire who's secondary effect is extra damage. Played well, you will sail through a sea of orange damage numbers floating softly above the heads of your enemies as they run around the field screaming and on fire.

Blasters are not expected to debuff, control, hold aggro, heal, or support the team in any way other than blowing everything in sight to itty bitty molecules. It can be a relief to not have any expectations other than drawing too much aggro for the team to handle and trying not to die every other battle or so.

The inherent power, Defiance, which used to suck eggs is now one of the best there is. You can now use your first three powers even when mezzed and you gain an ever-increasing damage Buff the longer you keep a combo going (something Blasters are very good at).


Blasters spend a lot of time face down. I've seen it, and now I've experienced it. You will find yourself earning debt badges very early in the game compared to most and it's best to carry a bunch of awakens with you at all times.

As you gain levels and experience playing your Blaster, you will spend less time dying, but because of your low hit points, you don't have much forgiveness for error. If you take on more than you expected, you're toast. A controller will keep enemies locked down, a tank can run through enemies or walls and not blink, Defenders use debuffs to keep things under control, but Blasters have few (if any) control powers and little defense. Therefore, they are effectively the characters in the game.

In Summary

Where there aren't a lot of people to team with, I like to play Shazel and wipe enemies off the map. She's very good at soloing and I have turned up my difficulty to the medium setting with no problems (other than pausing to heal after some battles).

There are also certain concept characters that you must use a Blaster to create due to powerset choices (although that's been changing with the continued shifting of powersets to other ATs over time).

Either way, be sure to spend some time on your story, look, and concept (as I always recommend) and you'll have plenty of fun.

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