Teleportation Pool
Last Modified: July 30, 2010
Recall Friend
A great and commonly used power that let's you teleport a team mate from 1000 yards away to a location next to you. Here are some sample uses:
- Getting a team mate to a mission door fast. Very important early on when everyone's travel is slow.
- For a team mate who shows up late to a mission, you can tp them to the rest of the team rather than wait for them to find you in the map.
- Pulling a team mate who's in trouble from the battle field (out of range of further fire).
- Pulling a dead team mate from out of range of enemies so they can be rezzed or use an Awaken.
- Helping a team mate who's stuck somewhere. For example, I spent 25 minutes trying to get to the reactor in Terra Volta because I only had Super Speed and couldn't figure out how to get up the huge walls. If someone in my group had Recall Friend, we'd have been set.
- For sneaking a mission. You run invisible to the target enemy of the mission (boss or whatever) and teleport the rest of the team to you. This is a great way to cut down the time of those task forces.
Recommended # of Slots and Enhancement Priority
One is all that's required
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And here's a bind to help with teleporting team mates. It not only lets them know a TP is coming, but if there's another member of your team helping with the teleports, it lets them know not to do the same one.
/bind f12 "team $target! I am opening a portal through the darkness!$$powexec_name recall friend"
Recently, I've been slotting Winter's Gift: -Knockback in recall friend. That gives me great knockback protection in a power so low level that it works no matter how far I'm exemped |
Teleport Foe
A commonly disparaged power that's actually very useful (especially now with PvP). It used to be hated because it would immediately draw aggro from every enemy near the one you teleported, but the aggro range has been significantly reduced and there are ways to use it without worrying about the aggro:
If an enemy is running away, target them and use TP Foe to bring them back.
This is very useful for hunting or for "Kill leader and crew" missions if one off the leader's crew tries to run. This is especially useful if the runner goes through another group of enemies or can fly when you can't.
If you are on a ledge, high building, or top of a ravine and your target is below you, you can pull them up one at a time and deal with them while the others fruitlessly try to get to you.
Attention Kheldans!. Another use is to open battles by targetting a problem enemy (such as a Void Seeker) and TP'ing them to you for immediate destruction. Even if you aggro any of the enemies near him, he'll be long dead before the rest get to you.
Use it as a pulling technique. Like any other attack, using TP Foe will usually get the attention of a few enemies near your target. Used properly, you can chop enemy groups into smaller and more managable chunks.
In pvp, you can teleport Villains to your location to be pummeled by you and your hero friends :).
You can TP an enemy into a different enemy group so that THEY destroy him (in certain maps or missions where there are enemies fighting each other.
If you're a controller or defender who's using a targeted area debuff that affects other enemies, it's no good if your target runs away because the debuff doesn't affect anyone anymore and they can aggro others. Usually, you'd just turn off your power, but now you can just bring them back. You can also move them around as needed.
Recommended # of Slots and Enhancement Priority
You need enough for accuracy, possibly more
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If you have enough other accuracy bonuses from other places, you MIGHT not have to use two slots for accuracy.
Commmonly known as the fastest travel power in the game. Activate, choose a target location on the screen, click: arrive :). Here's the bind I use to make it faster so you don't have to move the mouse to your power bars and back to the screen between hops.
/bind shift "powexec_name Shadow Step"
This activates the teleport power and gives you a target on the screen so you can choose where to teleport. Note that if the target is red, you can't teleport there (though this is really stupid. You should be able to teleport to any location on the screen that the target touches). It's a series of click-tp, click-tp, click-tp, but it's definitely the fastest way to travel (other than advanced techniques
The moment you come out of the teleport, hit the shift key again to bring up your target. You'll have to figure out the timing because if you go too fast, the game gets confused and will spin you around teleporting you to the left or right randomly.
Recommended # of Slots and Enhancement Priority
Each teleportation IO set has 3 only. This is standard, though you CAN get away with 2
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Note that it's extremely common to take Hover with Teleport since you only get a second or two to select your next Teleport point before dropping like a stone. Hover gives you more time.
Group Teleport
Same as Teleport, but takes all nearby teammates with you. I think this power is difficult to use effectively, but isn't given enough credit. For example, many Teleporters tell me how they can escape battle in an instant with Teleport. What if you could take your whole team with you when you all started to die? Not only would you save a few folks, but the dead bodies would come with you as well (assuming you were all close to each other at the time).
You could also ambush a group or monster by doing a team Teleport right on top of them. For enemy groups that usually do significant damage while you're trying to get close, this is a way to close the distance instantly. And of course this is a way to keep your Mastermind pets from getting killed during travel and having to resummon and equip them.
Anyway, it's a very rarely taken power, but can be useful with some imagination.
Recommended # of Slots and Enhancement Priority
Each teleportation IO set has 3 only. This is standard, though you CAN get away with 2
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